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S8.1 Gas Limits

Control Objective

Ensure that contract design and function implementations are efficient in gas usage to mitigate risks associated with out-of-gas errors and related vulnerabilities.

S8.1.A Efficient Loop and Function Design

SCSVS VR ID Requirement L1 L2 L3 SWE
S8.1.A1 Ensure that contracts are protected against insufficient gas griefing attacks by carefully managing gas consumption in critical functions. ✓ ✓
S8.1.A2 Ensure that systems like the RocketDepositPool contract handle failures in functions like burn() gracefully. ✓ ✓
S8.1.A3 Verify that gas usage in functions and loops is efficient to avoid out-of-gas errors. ✓ ✓
S8.1.A4 Implement mechanisms to prevent denial of service attacks due to block gas limits, ensuring that transactions or operations do not exceed the gas limit constraints. ✓ ✓

S8.1.B Fallback Mechanisms

SCSVS VR ID Requirement L1 L2 L3 SWE
S8.1.B1 Ensure that try/catch blocks are provided with adequate gas to avoid failures and unexpected behavior in case of errors. ✓ ✓