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S5.2 Oracle Integrations

Control Objective

Ensure that oracle integrations provide secure, reliable, and tamper-proof data feeds while maintaining data integrity and handling failures appropriately.

S5.2.A Secure Data Feeds

SCSVS VR ID Requirement L1 L2 L3 SWE
S5.2.A1 Verify that the smart contract uses oracles that provide secure and tamper-proof data feeds, including checks for data integrity and authenticity. ✓ ✓
S5.2.A2 Ensure that the smart contract validates the data received from oracles to prevent malicious or incorrect data from affecting contract operations. ✓ ✓
S5.2.A3 Check that the smart contract includes fallback mechanisms in case of oracle failure or unreliable data. ✓ ✓
S5.2.A4 Verify that the integration with oracles follows best practices for data security, including encryption and secure communication channels. ✓ ✓
S5.2.A5 Ensure that the smart contract's oracle integration is designed to handle any potential discrepancies or conflicts in data from multiple sources. ✓ ✓

S5.2.B Decentralized Oracles

SCSVS VR ID Requirement L1 L2 L3 SWE
S5.2.B1 Verify that the smart contract uses decentralized oracles to enhance data reliability and prevent single points of failure or manipulation. ✓ ✓
S5.2.B2 Ensure that the smart contract includes mechanisms to validate the consensus or majority opinion of decentralized oracles before taking actions based on their data. ✓ ✓
S5.2.B3 Check that the smart contract accounts for potential latency or delays in data from decentralized oracles to maintain operational reliability. ✓ ✓
S5.2.B4 Verify that the smart contract includes checks to prevent manipulation or collusion among decentralized oracles. ✓ ✓
S5.2.B5 Ensure that the decentralized oracle integration adheres to standards for security and reliability in multi-oracle environments. ✓ ✓