Smart Contract Security Weakness Enumeration (SCWE)

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About the SCWE

The Smart Contract Security Weakness Enumeration (SCWE) is a list of common security and privacy weaknesses in smart contracts. It is intended to be used as a reference for developers, security researchers, and security professionals. It acts as the bridge between the SCSVS and the SCSTG.

For its definition we draw inspiration from the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), which is a community-developed list of common software security weaknesses. The SCWE is intended to be a complementary list to the CWE, focusing specifically on security weaknesses in smart contracts.

A weakness is a security or privacy issue that can be introduced into a smart contracts. Weaknesses are categorized by the MASVS categories and controls. For example, a weakness related to the use of insecure random number generators is categorized under the SCSVS-CODE-1 control.

Each weakness contains the following information:

  • Overview: A brief description of the weakness.
  • Impact: The potential impact of the weakness on the security or privacy of the application.
  • Modes of Introduction: The ways in which the weakness can be introduced into an application.
  • Mitigations: Recommendations for mitigating the weakness.

"Weakness vs Vulnerability": It is important to note that a weakness is not a vulnerability, but it can lead to the introduction of vulnerabilities. According to the CWE, a weakness is a condition in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component that, under certain circumstances, could contribute to the introduction of vulnerabilities. Whereas a vulnerability is a flaw in a software, firmware, hardware, or service component resulting from a weakness that can be exploited, causing a negative impact to the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an impacted component or components.

SCWE-016 Insufficient Authorization SCSVS-AUTH SCSVS-AUTH-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-020 Absence of Time-Locked Functions SCSVS-AUTH SCSVS-AUTH-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-018 Use of tx.origin for Authorization SCSVS-AUTH SCSVS-AUTH-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-019 Insecure Signature Verification SCSVS-AUTH SCSVS-AUTH-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-017 Privileged Role Mismanagement SCSVS-AUTH SCSVS-AUTH-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-002 Excessive Contract Complexity SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-003 Lack of Modularity SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-005 Insecure Upgradeable Proxy Design SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-006 Inconsistent Inheritance Hierarchy SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-3 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-004 Circular Dependencies SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-001 Improper Contract Architecture SCSVS-ARCH SCSVS-ARCH-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-015 Lack of Emergency Stop Mechanism SCSVS-GOV SCSVS-GOV-3 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-021 Insecure Block Timestamp Usage SCSVS-BLOCK SCSVS-BLOCK-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-012 Improper Function Definitions SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-009 Code Duplication SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-1 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-008 Presence of Unused Variables SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-007 Unmaintainable Code Structure SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-011 Deprecated Variable and Function Usage SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-010 Hardcoded Constants SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-013 Dead Code SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new
SCWE-014 Shadowing Variables and Functions SCSVS-CODE SCSVS-CODE-2 profile:L1 newstatus:new